Pulse Timing Belt Replacement and Adjustment

The required tools and materials for this procedure are as follows:

  • Pulse GT2 Timing Belt set (84cm X-axis, 67cm Y-axis)
  • 2.5mm hex driver or Allen key
  • Small flathead screwdriver
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Optional: flush-cut pliers
  • Optional: printed belt tensioner (like this)


  1. Begin by turning the machine so that you have access to the rear of the X-axis carriage. Note that it may be necessary to command the Z axis to lower by 30-50mm, so please do so prior to performing this process.

  2. Using the 2.5mm hex driver, locate and loosen the adjustment screw for the X-axis belt tensioner. Be sure NOT to fully remove this screw just yet, as we will do this in a later step. We only need to reduce the tension on the system so that the belt can be removed. 

  3. Using the needle-nose pliers, carefully pull and remove the timing belt ends from the back side of the X-axis carriage. 

  4. Turn the printer so that you have access to the front side, then remove the timing belt from the X-axis assembly. 

  5. Using the 2.5mm hex driver, fully loosen the adjustment screw to remove the tensioner assembly, then remove the idler pulley. 

  6. Grabbing the new X-axis timing belt (84cm length), wrap the belt around the pulley with the teeth facing inwards. Then reinstall the pulley with belt into the tensioner assembly. 

  7. Reinstall the tensioner assembly with the belt onto the printer. 

  8. Turn the printer so that you have access to the rear side, and use the small flathead screwdriver to insert the belt end into the rear of the X-axis carriage. 

  9. Turn the printer so that you have access to the front side, then thread the other loose belt end through the X-axis motor mount, around the drive gear, and again through the motor mount. 

  10. Once again, turn the printer so that you have access to the rear side, then pull the belt so that there is light tension before slotting the belt in the available groove. 

  11. Using the small flathead screwdriver to insert the belt end into the rear of the X-axis carriage. 

  12. Optional: cut off any excess belt using a set of flush-cut pliers. 

  1. Using the 2.5mm hex driver, locate and tighten the adjustment screw for the X-axis belt tensioner. Note that the belt should be taut, but not overly tightened. 

  2. When tensioning the belt, position the printhead to the left, then use your index finger to lightly press on the center of the belt. With the proper tension, the Belt should not be able to touch itself. 

Optional: you may use a printed belt tensioner ( like this) to further fine-tune the belt tension. Please be sure to print this using PETG filament, as other filament types may not produce the correct amount of tension.


  1. Begin by turning the machine on its side so that you have access to the bottom of the Y-axis carriage. 

  2. Using the 2.5mm hex driver, locate and loosen the two screws for the Y-axis idler pulley mount. Be sure NOT to fully remove these screws, as the retaining nuts may be difficult to reinsert. We only need to reduce the tension on the system so that the belt can be removed. 

  3. Using the needle-nose pliers, carefully pull and remove the timing belt ends from the bottom of the Y-axis carriage. 

  4. Remove the timing belt from the Y-axis assembly. 

  5. Using the new timing belt (67cm length), insert one end below the idler pulley on the front of the printer, then pull the end through the top of the pulley. 

  6. Using the small flathead screwdriver, insert the belt end into the bottom of the Y-axis carriage. 

  7. Thread the other loose belt end around the Y-axis drive gear, and back towards the bottom of the Y-axis carriage. 

  8. Before slotting the belt in the available groove, pull the belt so that there is light tension. 

  9. Using the small flat-head screwdriver to insert the belt end into the bottom of the Y-axis carriage. 

  10. Optional: cut off any excess belt using a set of flush-cut pliers. 

  1. Using the 2.5mm hex driver, locate and tighten the two front screws for the Y-axis idler pulley mount. Note that the belt should be taut, but not overly tightened. 

  2. When tensioning the belt, position the bed to the rear of the printer, then use your index finger to lightly press on the center of the belt. With the proper tension, the belt should not be able to touch itself.

Optional: you may use a printed belt tensioner ( like this) to further fine-tune the belt tension. Please be sure to print this using PETG filament, as other filament types may not produce the correct amount of tension.

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